
Hi, my name is MaxMan and I am your assistant.

😢 Can’t see a channel?
☹️ Do you want to see channels from another state?
😫 Do you want to make MioTV easier?
😲 Other Problems?

OK, don’t worry, I’ll help you 😜
è bello sapere ….
MioTv è un grande portale creato per facilitare la visione online dei canali TV.
Non avrai bisogno di centinaia di app o di lunghe ricerche, qui troverai oltre 3700 canali da tutto il mondo, TUTTO IN UN UNICO POSTO .
MioTV segue tutte le normative di legge, quando scegli un canale sei collegato direttamente al “canale ufficiale” , che è l’unico responsabile del suo corretto funzionamento e ha il diritto di trasmettere film, notizie, sport e molto altro … e anche pubblicità (che Piace a tutti)
Come puoi immaginare le emittenti televisive non sono di nostra proprietà, quindi Miotv non può intervenire o apportare modifiche per nessun canale TV, ma posso assisterti in tutte le nostre funzioni fino alla scelta del canale.

Below I have put the questions and solutions for you.
If you can’t solve it, write me and I’ll get back to you soon.
MioTv Television Book
- TV Channels: + 3700
- Countryes: 206
- Users: + 11Milions
Watching television over the Internet may experience slowdowns or video pauses, in most cases caused by poor connection quality. So if you don’t have a strong signal right now, be patient and try again.
➊ Choose the country
➋ Choose the channel
➌ Watch TV
In the MioTv portal you have at your disposal the list of states in which the TV channels that you can watch are available.
When you have chosen the country, you will see a page with all the channels available in that country.
The use of the service is completely free and unlimited.
This feature was created to make accessing your TV channels much faster.
Normally after logging in you should set the preferred language and the country of the favorite channels,
now… with the REMOTE CONTROL function everything will be easier and more immediate.
To activate the Free function go to: “REMOTE CONTROL”
– Section: Activate the remote control
– Enter: Email and Password
– Click: Register me
Once you have made the necessary registration for the system to recognize you and set your preferences automatically, enter “SETTING” (gear icon at the top of the screen)
SET your preferences and save.
In your next accesses the app will speak to you in your language and immediately show you the channels of your country.
Once you have chosen your favorite channel, click on the player to start the live broadcast.
You are immediately connected to the live of the “official” page
Access the “SEARCH” (the lens) and type the exact name of the channel you want to watch, you will immediately get the connection to the requested channel. If you cannot find the requested channel, try to type the name, paying attention to the spaces.
Rai 1 – Rai1
With or without spaces you can get different results.
Various categories of channels are available, such as:
News, sports, music, entertainment, children, religious, life style, radio and other various categories.
You can choose these categories in the menu, directly on the channel page.
MioTv gives you free connection to many channels in the world.
With our connections you will never have requests for money.
Cookies: when you access often you will find the popup of cookies, close / accept.
Volume: some channels have the volume off, turn it on by clicking the audio icon.
Rotation: to view the video in full screen click the “extension” symbol which is usually found at the bottom right, represented by diagonal arrows or a square and rotates the phone horizontally.
If an error is displayed when the channel is opened, or the page is not active, this means that the TV broadcaster has modified or changed the connection. Some change frequently.
We constantly monitor and check their functionality, but it is possible that we are unable to make updates in real time.
If you find a problem, write to us, we will make sure to solve the problem in a short time.
There are TV channels that require registration for viewing broadcasts. You can choose whether to register and watch, or change channels. For information, know that they are official channels, therefore you will have no problem with them.
Yes, all Mediaset channels require a first registration.
After 180 seconds of viewing, to continue viewing the program just log in with Facebook or Register and there will be no interruptions.
MioTv offers you connections to only the TV broadcasters that transmit in the clear and for free.
Wherever you are you can watch live streaming TV, at home, by car or train, in the mountains, by the sea or directly from the beach … access MioTv and choose what to watch.
MioTv can be used on all devices that have an internet connection:
Smartphone, Tablet, Computer, Pc, Notebook, Smart Tv and Play Station.
To use MioTv and all television and radio stations, they require an internet connection. In case of poor signal you may experience slowdowns and restarts of the video.
When you can connect to a wireless network, it is often faster.
For consumption it depends on several factors, for more information see HERE
Through MioTv, watching streaming TV with your smartphone has become really easy.
By entering the site, or you can use the app, in both cases you have direct access to the TV stations in the world.
You have to choose the channel and start playback from the player, you are immediately connected to the official page and you can watch the desired program in “live”!
Well, let’s say it is very comfortable, you will be able to watch TV wherever you are, from home, from the train, on the beach, in the mountains, or by car, if you are not the one driving, at the limit you listen to it and do not risk anything.
Very easy, you enter the website: or and you are already ready to watch TV.
Choose whether to see Italian, Franais, Spain channels or from the rest of the world and you immediately find a virtual remote control with the various channels that you can choose. Once you have chosen your favorite, the Official page of the station you have chosen is opened …. and then … nothing more, you can now sit comfortably and watch your favorite program.
– In most cases it is a low connection signal level.
– Sometimes you find TV stations that have a lot to load and you are forced to wait for all elements to load.
– It could be a momentary problem with the broadcaster. Please try again at another time.
– When you are on the page of the selected TV channel you are no longer in MioTV, so we cannot intervene.
– All broadcasters have a help center, you can try to contact them.
MioTv uses the latest generation of APPs, this is a very important factor for users, as they download the connection only, while all the space and memory are charged to MioTV.
Also remember that with the miotv app you have available most of the best channels in the world.
You won’t need to download an app for every TV broadcaster. With MioTV you have ALL in ONE.
Nothing, the service is completely free.
The only small income comes from companies that request advertising in the portal.
Yes, you can use it safely, you will offer an excellent service to your customers who will be able to see their favorite channels.
MioTv has an additional service for venues such as: Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Breweries, B & Bs and similar companies.
For more information contact us
No, you don’t need any type of TV aerial, the only thing you need is an internet connection.
There is no limit, MioTV has a large structure that makes connection possible for millions of users.
Yes, no problem, you can use both apps according to your convenience.
I remind you that in the previous one there are about 500 TV channels, while in the new one there are more than 3700 TV channels.
If you can’t see one or more TV channels, the possibilities are these:
1) Some channels require registration (See 11 and 12)
2) You connect to a channel that resides in a different state from yours (example: You are in America and you want to see an Italian channel) See solution
3) No signal in your device (you can only wait or try another device)
Yes, now it is possible to create a customized remote control, where you can insert your favorite channels. See REMOTE CONTROL