Free Streaming TV
How to watch Free Streaming TV
If you want to watch TV in STREAMING for free directly from your smartphone, computer, smart Tv, tablet, Play Station and any device with the simple internet line … you’ve come to the right place.

With MioTv “the streaming TV portal” you can do all this without doing any research or going crazy to retrieve web addresses of the channels that broadcast live.
The service is completely free.
No subscription, No fees, No obligations
TV channels
Thousands of TV channels are available, all the channels you find in the MioTV section are free.
In the portal you will find a list of countries, you can choose the desired country, you are shown all the available TV streaming channels (free)
Initially you will see the “General” category where all the channels of the chosen nation are inserted.
You can filter the search using the CATEGORIES.
Tv Categories
Each country can carry out a more targeted search, through these categories:
- General
- News
- Music
- Sport
- children
- Religious
- Entertainment
- Weather
- Lifestyle
- Local TV
- and varied

TV stations available
Currently there are over 3,700 channels
There are all national TVs such as CNN, Rai, Mediaset, Sky and many regional TVs that have free streaming.
The television group owned by Silvio Berlusconi provides numerous channels, in addition to the three generalist channels Canale 5, Italia 1 (purchased in 1983 by Rusconi Editore) and Retequattro (purchased by Mondadori in 1984), also various thematic channels on digital terrestrial, the free: Boing (children) Iris (cinema and serial) Mediashopping, and the pay Premium Calcio 24, Premium Cinema, and the three fiction TVs Mya, Joy and with NBCUniversal, Steel.
Abroad he has control of the Spanish Telecinco, and is a shareholder of Caribevision TV (in the US) in addition to 25% of Maghreb TV Nessma TV. It also controls Endemol, a production and TV format multiplying company.
The Berlusconi family owns the Medusa film house, the multiplexes connected to it, and through Fininvest the Mondadori publishing house, Radio 101, the Manzoni Theater and the Mediolanum Group
Hollywood and NBC has found the right ally in Universal, creating a group that controls film production houses, amusement parks, television networks and studios. In addition to the giant NBC and its 10 affiliates, in the United States it owns the Telemundo television. Numerous televisions operate worldwide under the peacock brand in Italy Cnbc Cfn (economy) Studio Universal (cinema) Steel (fiction) Hallmark.
Rtl Group is an important publishing group that collects the gotha of private televisions from half of Europe. It controls the main commercial networks of Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany. And present in Great Britain with Five,
in France M6 and RTL9, in Russia Ren tv, two Rtl are also in Croatia and Hungary and Alpha tv in Greece.
45 television networks, 32 radio stations in 11 different states for the beauty of over 200 million viewers.
The Murdoch giant is without borders: televisions, newspapers, film houses, magazines, web portals. In Italy, in addition to the 20 th Century Fox, he owns Sky Italia, Sky channels (Uno, Cinema, Sport, TG24 Meteo) Fox Channels Italia (Fox, Fox Life, Fox Crime, Fx, National Geographic, History, Cult)
In Europe it is present in Great Britain (Sky), Germany (Premiere). TV star in Asia, Fox tel in Australia.
For all news channels he is the publisher in addition to the aforementioned Sky tg 24, London Sky News and Fox News U.S.A.
Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. abbreviated Rai or RAI, is the exclusive concessionary company of the public broadcasting service in Italy. LaRai is one of the largest communication companies in Europe, the fifth largest television group on the continent.
Rai channels:
Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3, Rai 4, Rai 5, Rai Movie, Rai Premium, Rai Gulp, Rai Yoyo, Rai News24, Rai Storia, Rai Sport, Rai Scuola
The TF1adesso group controls Eurosport, owns 40% of TMC-Telemontecarlo, 50% of the France24 news channel, 100 of LCI (La chaine info) and numerous French themed TVs: Club Series, TF 6, Histoire.
And many others like:
Here you can see MioTv ITALIA.